With the latest of wave of orders shipped, I've got quite a few things in the works now. I've modeled and cut prototypes on a few new panels:
Korg MS-20 / MS-10 / VC-10:
Even played around with making a Tuxedo version like the old Les Pauls: black paint on maple:
Sequential Sixtrak:
ARP Omni:
Solina Case has made it through the first round of modeling:
Minibrute chop case I'm calling Skinibrute is in the conceptual stage:
The Bourns PTL adapters for ARP CTS sliders have been installed and tested. Should be ready to order in a few days.
Finally, an ARP Omni / Omni 2 Midi Interface has been designed, code has been written, PIC burned, and bread-boarding is underway:
Also, Juno 6/60 has been CAM'd, and ready to cut a proto. So, lots of stuff in the works!