The Woods: White Oak
Harder and denser than walnut and cherry, white oak is best known for its use in whiskey barrels (due to the fact that it is waterproof.) But, it also played a starring role on the Linn LM-1 and LinnDrum. White oak has fairly large pores, and a striking grain that leaves it with an almost rustic appearance.
Over time, these strong grain lines and pores would get filled with wax, dirt, and other debris…rendering an even deeper contrast between the grain. In order to replicate this aged look, the GMUSynth white oak Linn panels receive a glaze coat of stain that sits in the pores and grain just like decades of dirt. The truth is, the Linns don’t look right without it!
White oak is slightly harder to work with than the other domestic species, and is certainly much heavier. Nonetheless white oak is an attractive wood when finished featuring a golden brown color and fits right at home as a synth panel. White oak also takes stain and paint wonderfully. As such it often used as an accessory wood on GMUSynth panels. An example is the keybed ends in the GMUSynth Moog MG-1 / Rogue side panels.
Given its density and hardness, White oak is very durable and can stand quite a bit of abuse.
Hardness: 1350 lbf
Density: 47 lbs/ft3